Bulk web base email sender - Penghantar / Pengirim Email mas

About the product
We are @
+6 016 995 9007

What is the use of web-based email sender?

Email is one of the means of communication and also a means of promoting the most effesien and the least expensive. But not effesien conductivity promotional email if only one at a time to the target customer.

With the advent of Web-based Email Sender, the email can be sent to any lot with just a single click away.

Advantages of Web-Based Email Sender

Not need any settings and do not need to install anything. Simply log in and send email only.

Can be done anywhere. As long as you can open internet. In cyber cafe, smartphone, tablet and of course on your computer or laptop.

You do not have to wait for the front of your computer. Once you click the "Send To All Emails" you can already off your computer.

And there are many more benefits that we have.

Trial Version / Test Drive / Try to Come Before Buy


Please click on the image above and enter username ANDA also password 1234

SMTP Setting No
Install Script /Software No
HTML Format Yes
Configuration/Setup No
Database No

* You can compare it to some other provider email sender below. Or you can compare it with the one you know.

How to Use
Open Url in the browser, enter your Username and Password. Butang Then click "Enter" like the picture below. See the red text and arrows.

Then it will show in the control panel to deliver your email. On the control panel there are five navigation or menu:
1. Sending Newsletter - To deliver email
2. Email Archive - Emails are sent
3. Add Subscriber - Enter your email address
4. Subscriber List - Listings email address
5. Log Out ​​- In order to exit

Cara memasukkan alamat email . Klik menu "Add Subscriber".
Ada 3 cara :

1. Terus tulis alamat email satu per satu . Satu baris satu alamat email. Contoh :
Kemudian klik tombol "Add Address" (5)

2. By way of copy and paste email addresses from another file. For example, select three email addresses on the way 1 above, then copy and paste the email address where you placed. Then click the "Add Address" (5).

3. By entering the file. Had you already store multiple email addresses in a text file (. Txt). You can click the browse button as shown below (4) and select the file that contains your email address. And do not forget to check the city (1) (2) (3) and then click the "Add Address" (5).

Then will show how successful the email address you enter as shown below.

After entering your email address, the next step is deliver mail to email addresses by clicking the "Send Newsletter"

In the "From" will be loaded automatically in your email address.

In the Box "Subject" header insert your email

Click / check the box "send email on completion (will automatically deliver email to your email address after deliver all mail)

Click / check the "CC to self" (will automatically deliver the same email to your email address so that you know what you are carrying an email form).

Then write the content of your email content in the form of plain paper (text) or in writing kod (HTML).

For regular email writing (text) you should write on like the picture below. Then click the "Send To All Emails" Then you enter your email / write before going in conductivity to all email addresses that exist in the system before you enter it.

To email your code (HTML) do almost the same as regular posts. Just make sure you click / check the box "Send as HTML" And write your HTML code or copy and paste the HTML code you like the picture below. Then click the "Send To All Emails" Then you enter your email / write last will be sent to all email addresses that exist in the system before you enter it.

Once you click the "Send To All Emails" and should you let it (not your computer off or you do not close the program) then you will be given a report how many emails that debuted in conductivity as shown below.
Buy It Now

Maybe you're still thinking, buy or not? Loss or gain? Cheap or Expensive? But all you can evaluate and also can answer. If your answer buy then please make payment through the payment system we provide.

Once you make the payment, we will send the url to log in with your Username and Password.

Muhammad Asri Muhammad Asri
No. Acc : 1-13029-0019331-4 No Acc : 1630 2876 6403

Paypal Or Credit Card Payment


For payment by RHB Bank or Maybank after making the payment please SMS your email address to +6 016 995 9007 or email info@newsletterscript.info or alternative
no call +6 03 54 8020 77
Terms and conditions

Email sender consists of several service providers like hosting provided by hostdoit.com, domain name provided by godaddy.com owned by hostdoit.com and scripts / software are provided by scuba diving calculator which is owned by american financing corporation and in hostdoit.com to give rights to the script useless.

Therefore matters pertaining to hosting, domain name and the script is to follow these terms and conditions of the service provider.

NewsletterScript.info is a provider of Web-based Email services dissipation. And we will strive to keep the needs of our customers.

The service is in the form of a loan or a lease within a period of one year. And may be extended for subsequent years. So right and power was fully newslettercript.info.

Newsletter Script
Muhammad Asri
422, Blok 57, Jalan Plumbum 7/100A, Seksyen 7,
40000, Shah Alam, Selangor,Malaysia

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