Taxation Services

About the product
We provide company and business income tax services to clients in Kuala Lumpur (KL) and Selangor. We can assist you to manage your income tax compliance obligations and to inform you of any tax updates that may affect your company or business.

Our list of income tax services are as below:

Company Income Tax
To prepare supporting worksheets, income tax computation and submit company’s annual tax return (Form C) to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB), also known as Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN)

To prepare and submit Form CP 204 based on estimated income tax payable provided by the company as well as tax revisions if any via Form CP204A

Business Income Tax
Form B (Personal tax with business income)
Form P (Partnership)

Personal Income Tax
Form BE

Others Services
Withholding Tax
Transfer Pricing
Consultation Services
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