Reviews of WinFit Fitness Factory - Klang

Here you will find reviews about WinFit Fitness Factory . All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
3 Reviews
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My Second Home Winfit Fitness Factory
I was here almost 3 weeks.. I'm a scoliosis patient.. I was suffering frm back pain almost 12yrs.. I've been many places for my backbone treatment.. But I've not seen a good improvement and the treatment was not fully satisfied me.. Finally my cousin sis recommended me to come to Winfit Fitness Factory.. Once i cm here I met coach Mr.Vicky, he began motivate me alott and also he gv me more confident which Cn make myself more healthier to solve my backbone problem.. In this 3 weeks time i can see much improvement in myself . I'm getting healthier day by day.. It's all becoz of my hardwrk and determination .. I would like to thank to my coach ( iron man) Mr. Vicky and also my beloved trainers whom always motivated me alott... Whoever suffering frm back bone problem ( scoliosis), kindly I will recommend to this gym.. No Pain No
Service satisfaction

I would say the most extraordinary gym,with the most welcoming ambiance, perfectly equipped, professional trained coaches,
Cleanliness something they always keep up
Fun diversity Zumba classes, classic yoga’s,
And many more classes to keep us energised.
Very affordable charges with no contract or upfront payments.
Most importantly they never neglect their PT clients (personal training)
I will strongly recommend one of the trainer called MR VICKNESWARAN(known as Vicky WinTech)
He himself will inspire us , his appearance .very muscular & fit, he keep himself very energetic , young& cheerful .
He is very committed , discipline & dedicated towards his carrier. He will always alert us by sending daily reminder,
The amount of module, guidelines, on workout plus diets before & after workout . Educate us throughout the PT sessions. Most importantly, he is a very secure male trainer, he ensure all his female trainees comfortable.
True winfitter’s who takes workout seriously been guiding on each other and very friendly to one another and you see the connectivity among everyone in that big crowd.

To your entire team who kept your journal clean and tidy,
The encouragement & motivation given by each and everyone of you all , made me think be consistent towards my workout & Winfit became part of my life ,
Salute you sir & bravo mentor.
Life changing Soul, thanks for your time , effort , guideline, patience
Very very much appreciated.
Strongly recommend this gym ,
Keep growIng & rocking
Winfit Fitness Factory is definitely a sight to behold !!
Apart from just machines & weights, the gym also has qualified junior fitness instructors and certified gym trainers to ensure the safety of all gym users.
In addition to quality exercise equipments & pleasant atmosphere, Winfit Fitness Factory also offers in-house personal trainers & health advisors who will be your pillar of support during your workouts & dietary advisor.