90 mins doTERRA Aroma Touch Body Spa

90 mins doTERRA Aroma Touch Body Spa
About the product
** Here's SPA Signature ** - 90 mins doTERRA AromaTouch Body Spa
is a powerful way to connect with another person on an emotional level and also to provide every individual, young or old, male or female with an essential oil experience.

doTERRA AromaTouch Body Spa is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help stimulate and balance sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems of the body.

doTERRA AromaTouch Body Spa use specific guidelines and instructions for both dosage and application that make it a safe and effective way to receive the full benefits of essential oils. doTERRA AromaTouch Body Spa is gentle touch techniques that can be adapted to accommodate young or sensitive skin so that anyone can benefit without the worry of overwhelming the body.

There are 3 selection :-

1) doTERRA AromaTouch - Stress Reduction Body Spa
2) doTERRA AromaTouch - Mood Up Lifting Body Spa
3) doTERRA AromaTouch - Immune Enhancement Body Spa

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