Reviews of Super Cut Studio & Hair Design - Kampar

Here you will find reviews about Super Cut Studio & Hair Design . All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
2 Reviews
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The stylist is very unprofessional and the attitude is terrible.
Horrible!!! Won't be go back again! I had do shiseido rebonding, colouring and teatment there, but end up result totally scary! Not only my hair very dry but now cause my hair scalp have plenty big piece of dandruff. Totally pissed off with the end result. When i do colouring, i feel my scalp is slightly pain, then i told the stylist about my problem, she told me that was normal! I had consult other hair specialist, they told me that if using the right product won't be come out with this result! Unless the product itself is not original from Shiseido. and they also advice me if the dandruff getting more serious in next few day, i should go to see doctor. Now, not only few hundred wasting but more important is my hair problem. Totally a nightmare for me. If the my situation getting worse, will consider complain to consumer right council about the product use on my hair that time!