Review Okay staff/doctor but rude management. Avoid.

Review for:
Zahida Dental

Okay staff/doctor but rude management. Avoid.
I had to end my braces treatment early as I was moving abroad. I had to pay the full cost while my teeth were not fixed entirely, mainly due to COVID19 MCO and me moving abroad.

I told the doctor in charge that I was moving, but I thought she did not take proper note as she installed a new bracket (never hook any wire in) less than a month before I leave.

I took off the braces anyway to avoid difficult maintenance. Teeth still protrude a bit and I couldn’t say I was happy with the result.

When I went to take off my braces, I was surprised when they told I had to pay RM2700. The staff forgot to tell me about the full settlement on the phone when she spoke to me the day before. At that point I had RM2700 balance my treatment should continue until Nov 2021 (2-years), I was only about 1 year 1 month in.

I asked for a pro-rated amount (or discount) but denied and told the manager insisted that I pay the whole amount. So sad. So, I paid the entire amount of RM6000 for a rather incomplete job. My teeth still look like Yoo Jae Suk’s. ????

I will have to get Invisalign in the US to complete my treatment.

Doctors are nice (I had 4 different doctors attended to me when I was getting my treatment at Zahida’s), but my doctor in-charge always immediately busy after my treatment and I didn’t really have the opportunity to ask questions.

Some staff are friendly, especially the ones assisted my doctor (others need to learn to smile, and improve communication skills, but nothing serious).

Moral of the story:

1. Better properly ask about the clinic policy in detail,

2. Speak to your doctor even for 5 minutes, so she knows what’s up (insist even if she looks like she’s busy and turns her back on you),

3. If you don’t live in Shah Alam forever and move around a lot, get your treatment elsewhere with a friendlier and accommodating policy.

I think if only they would be more accommodating and understanding about my sudden move abroad, I would’ve given this clinic 4.5 stars. But oh well.


(update: had to change from 3* to 1* due to rude post-treatment response after I left an honest review) — Check the Google Review for this clinic

Communication/PR skill for this clinic is 1 out of 100. Klinik Zahida obviously can’t take honest feedback from their paying customer.

Responding to the comment by Klinik Zahida below:

I didn’t use the word “HAPPY” with the result (I just nodded as it was the best they could do considering that time; what else should I say?) — but seeing across all comments left by Klinik Zahida to all honest reviews would give you a good idea whether or not you should get your treatment here. I’ve been to many dentists in my life and this would be the first case of unprofessionalism I encounter.

Public Relations wise for this clinic is very poor. I would think either the owner or manager responded to this review. (I suggest you read all defensive responses left by Klinik Zahida to negative/honest reviews).


No, debonded was suggested by Dr. Rema — as she advised that it would be difficult to get other doctor (especially abroad) where I will be moving. She said either go for a second round of braces. Believed in her professional opinion, I agreed with “taking off the braces” and will seek another round of braces (or Invisalign) later. But my understanding at that point was that the fee would be pro-rated, if only the 5 minutes consultation post treatment was provided; I could’ve get clarification from the doctor or the assistant about the remaining payment. So I could insist on bi-weekly treatment to tighten my braces instead of monthly or three weeks/once; and get what the RM6000 worth of treatment I paid for.

Like I said, I paid for the whole thing anyway, and a proper respectful response (a common courtesy for your former patient who paid full cost to you) would be better than responding honest review with defensive tone. ????

I suggest that you read more about VOC “Voice of Customer” and learn about amateur and professional communication for public relations and company branding. ????????

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