WebTV Video Streaming Portal

About the product
With WebTV, It allows you to have a full control on the Online TV design, publishing workflow, video and other content, access permission (free-viewing, paid subscription, intranet only), and more. You watch the live (from event or television program) or on-demand video content distribution by video streaming technology using a Web browser or mobile devices via Internet.

This could be used as an Entertainment TV, Training TV, Corporate TV, Intranet TV, or whatever you want to call it. People can view your live or on-demand video via desktop (using standard web browser such as Internet Exproler, Firefox, Chrome) or Mobile devices (Smartphone & Tablets).

What do you expect with IsrakStream WebTV?

-Eliminate buffering for smooth video playback. Each video transcoded into different level of qualities (bitrates). High speed users view best quality video, while lower internet user can still view the video in lower quality without the need to do anything.

- Best video quality at best user’s internet speed. Allows full HD video streaming without any hiccups. Meet high expectation with better video quality.

- No video viewing problem within corporate firewall.

- Solve server bottleneck with hybrid media delivery platform and CDN.

The Advantages of WebTV For Your Organization

- It’s the current trend.
Videos is everywhere and the new generation is on the internet more than they are watching TV.

- Effective communication medium.
It is the best medium for distribution of information about your organization or messages you wish to show to everyone in the world.

- Interesting and available anytime.
People can view videos at their convenient place and time.

- Own WebTV
Own branding, customized and full control to maintain the highest quality which represent your organization.

For live WebTV project, please visit www.jakim.tv
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