About the product
The way to get your loan application approved
SMEloan is the pioneer and today as the leading Capital Financial Advisory and Corporate Financial Accountancy firm. The only firm for SMEs which facing whatsoever kinds of unsolved issues to seek for the extraordinary solutions.

Our customer came from all types of industry and having a different background. We will categorize it into two types of category, Typical case (TC) and Critical case (CC).

Typical case : The customer having its own proper documentation, whereby they need us to touch up the accounts, prepare cash flow, Management Account ,write-up the proposal and channel the application to the applicable and suitable bank / our banker.

Critical case : The cases whereby unacceptable by the bank / fail scoring / Rejected due to not having activity reflect from their Company Current Acc, Company less than 1 year, having CCRIS / CTOS / SME Credit Bureau bad record, Commitment to high, Industry risk, and others

To engage our services, the applicant need to fill up the Pre assessment forms ( S1, S2 & S3) and E mail to us, with this information provided, we will assess the applicant and classify the customers either under Typical case or Critical case.
T : 1300-88-0158 E: HP: 016-2360 192
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