Training & Capacity Development

About the product
Various Training for SME's & Corporate.

1. Finance for Non-Financial Managers
2. E-marketing and social Networks
3. Problem solving skills
4. HR for Line Managers
5. Innovative technologies for Business and Marketing
a. (Augmented Reality, QR code, Mobile location aware applications...etc)
6. Successful Induction
7. Giving and Receiving feedback to keep performance high
8. Time Management
9. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence (Distinguishing Individual profiles of Intelligence)
10. Developing Surveys
11. The Dreyfus model of Skill Acquisition
12. Information Gathering
13. The Roman Room techniques for remembering long lists
14. Problem cause determination at work
15. Problem solving approaches
16. Decision making
17. The Vroom-Yetten-Jago Decision Making
18. The Kepner-Tregoe Matrix making unbiased, risk assessment decision
19. Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix
20. Essentials of Project Management
21. PNP Exam preparations

1. Virtualization (Hyper-V)
2. Augmented Reality
3. SQL Database Development / Advanced SQL Database Administration
4. SQL Server 2008 Administration
5. Access
6. Visio
7. Power Point
8. Outlook
9. Excel*
10. Word
11. Office Applications
12. Network Basics and TCP/IP
13. Computer Hardware Specialist
14. Wireless Networking
15. Windows 7 Administration
16. Windows Vista Administration
17. Basic Server/Client Networking (Windows Server 2008 R2)
18. Administrating Server/Client Network
19. Application Infrastructure Training in Servers
20. Network Infrastructure Training in Servers
21. Active Directory Training in Servers
22. Special Training
22. CCNA
23. Web Development
24. Thinking Skills
25. Stress Management & Burnouts
26. Open Source Microprocessor & Interfacing Devices
27. Mobile Programming
28. Rapid Application Development Tools and Concepts
29. Cascading Style Sheets
30. A Plus
31. Network Plus
32. Marketing Basics for Business Success
33. SME Marketing Skills
34. How to Drive Sales Field Force Successfully
35. Sales Techniques for Beginners
36. Establishing Business Collaborations & Synergies

1. Introduction to Problem Solving Techniques
2. Appreciation
3. 5 Whys
4. Cause and Effect Diagrams
5. Affinity Diagrams
6. Appreciative Inquiry
7. Flow Charts
8. Risk Analysis and Risk Management
9. SWOT Analysis
10. PEST Analysis
11. The Marketing Mix and 4 Ps
12. The Ansoff Matrix
13. The Boston Matrix
14. Porter's Five Forces
15. Core Competence Analysis
16. USP Analysis
17. Critical Success Factors
18. The McKinsey 7S Framework
19. Using the Greiner Curve

1. Introduction to Communication Skills
2. Making a Great First Impression!
3. The Johari Window
4. Business Story-Telling
5. Better Public Speaking and Presentation
6. Speaking to an Audience
7. Presentation Planning Checklist
8. Questioning Techniques
9. Active Listening
10. Effective Email
11. Writing Skills
12. Charts and Graphs
13. AIDA: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action
14. Running Effective Meetings
15. Ice Breakers
16. Facilitation
17. Win-Win Negotiation
18. Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions
19. The Communication Cycle - The six steps to better communication
20. Powers or Persuasion – The Dos and Don’ts of persuading
21. Information Grouping
22. Questioning Techniques
23. Avoiding Confusion and Complexity
24. Communicating without creating barriers
25. Creating Value Proposition – Communicating the benefits of your product, service or idea, simply and clearly
26. Checklist for clear communication
27. Communication Planning – Getting the Message over, in the right way
28. The Tannenbaum-Schmidt Leadership Continuum - Balancing control with your team's need for freedom
29. Action Centered Leadership™ Balancing task-, team- and individual-focus
30. Leading Cross-Cultural Teams
31. What a Real Leader Knows - Developing fundamental leadership skills

1. Introduction to Leadership Skills
2. Blake Mouton Managerial Grid
3. The Leadership Motivation Assessment
4. Winning Expert Power
5. Leadership Styles
6. Emotional Intelligence
7. Team Effectiveness Assessment
8. Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
9. Belbin's Team Roles
10. Successful Delegation
11. Task Allocation
12. The GROW Model
13. Mentoring: An Essential Leadership Skill
14. How Good Are Your Motivation Skills?
15. Herzberg's Motivators and Hygiene Factors
16. Adams’ Equity Theory
17. Avoiding Micromanagement
18. Conflict Resolution
19. French and Raven's Five Forms of Power -Understanding where power comes from in the workplace
20. Winning Expert Power - Leading from the front
21. The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership® Theory - Choosing the right leadership style for the right people
22. What a Real Leader Knows - Developing fundamental leadership skills
23. Cross-Cultural Leadership
24. Action Centered Leadership™ - Balancing task-, team- and individual-focus
25. Blake Mouton Managerial Grid - Balancing task and people-oriented leadership
26. The Tannenbaum-Schmidt Leadership Continuum -Balancing control with your team's need for freedom

1. Introduction to Decision Making Skills
2. Pareto Analysis
3. Paired Comparison Analysis
4. Grid Analysis
5. PMI
6. Force Field Analysis
7. Six Thinking Hats
8. Starbursting
9. Stepladder Technique
10. Cost/Benefit Analysis
11. Cash Flow Forecasting
12. Decision Tree Analysis

1. Introduction to Project Management
2. Estimating Time Accurately
3. Risk Impact/Probability Chart
4. Scheduling Simple Projects
5. Gantt Charts
6. Critical Path Analysis and PERT Charts
7. Logframes, and the Logical Framework Approach
8. Planning Large Projects and Programs
9. Kotter's 8-Step Change Model
10. Stakeholder Analysis
11. Stakeholder Management and Planning
12. Influence Maps

1. Introduction to Practical Creativity
2. Reversal
4. Attribute Listing, Morphological Analysis and Matrix Analysis
5. Brainstorming
6. Reverse Brainstorming
7. The Reframing Matrix
8. Concept Fan
9. Random Input
10. Provocation
11. DO IT
12. Simplex
13. TRIZ

1. Introduction to Time Management
2. How Good is Your Time Management?
3. Beating Procrastination
4. Activity Logs
5. To-Do Lists
6. Action Programs
7. Prioritization
8. Effective Scheduling
9. Personal Goal Setting
10. Locke's Goal Setting Theory
11. Golden Rules of Goal Setting
12. Backward Goal-Setting
13. In Flow
14. Leverage

1. Introduction to Stress Management
2. Stress Diary
3. Job Analysis
4. Performance Planning
5. Imagery
6. Physical Relaxation Techniques
7. Thinking On Your Feet
8. Rational Positive Thinking
9. Are You a Positive or Negative Thinker?
10. Anger Management
11. How Good is Your Anger Management?
12. Burnout Self-Test
13. Building Self-Confidence
14. Boosting Your Self-Esteem
15. Locus of Control
16. The Wheel of Life (Also called the ‘Life Wheel’)

1. Introduction to Information Skills
2. Mind Maps
3. SQ3R
4. Speed Reading
5. Reading Strategies
6. Review Techniques
7. Learning Styles
8. The Conscious Competence Ladder
9. Memory Improvement Techniques

1. Introduction to Career Skills
2. Finding Career Direction
3. Creating Job Satisfaction
4. Using "Holland's Codes"
5. Personal SWOT Analysis
6. Job Crafting
7. Future Proof Your Career
8. Overcoming a Lack of Qualifications
9. Managing Your Emotions at Work
10. Mentoring: An Essential Leadership Skill
11. Get Ready for Promotion
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