KINDERFUN Kids' Ergonomic Chair - Royce Premium

About the product
KINDERFUN® ergonomic desk & chair are designed with Ergonomic features to support the spinal column and muscular system to promote healthy sitting posture right from young. The Ergonomic workstation is engineered to reduce muscle strain and physical stress to the spine. Children should use furniture designed specifically to meet their growing needs. The ergonomic writing desk and chair, which can be adjusted to their actual height, allow their natural need for movement. Good posture maintains the natural curve of the spine and therefore promoting good health.

The growing and learning process should be stress-free, creative and fun-filled for our children.

KINDERFUN® Ergonomic workstation is PRACTICAL, FUNCTIONAL and AFFORDABLE. Suitable for 3 years old to Adult.

Benefits of Correct Sitting

A correct sitting posture prevents many back problems from incurring in the first place. The secret of sitting correctly is to encourage the spine to lengthen into its neutral ‘balanced’ position. The pelvis should tilt forwards allowing the spine to hold it’s natural ‘S’ shape. This means weight is evenly distributed across the intervertebral discs and there is a better balance in the supporting musculature.

The importance of correct sitting posture cannot be over emphasized. This is why so much emphasis was placed on ergonomics in the chair.

The BEST choice for your kids to explore the world of learning !
RM 1,749
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