Reviews of Polycall - Hotlink

Here you will find reviews about Polycall - Hotlink. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
1 Review
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Poor customer service! i bought a mobile on 6 march 2013, after 1 month which was 7 april 2013, i found the mobile was not work as well, the touch screen and the battery of life was not long. So,i sent back to the shop where i bought. The girl told me,i can receive my mobile within 10 days. Fine. But she didn't give me a phone to use as well. 3 days after, i went to the HQ, which is held at Kuah, and i told them i wish to receive my mobile at Kuah not at jetty point. They also give me a phone to use while i haven't receive my mobile yet. and after 1 week, i called to the HQ to ask more information,whether i can receive my mobile in the next few days or i have to wait a few week, but they just told me they have to check first and call me back later. i was like a fool for waiting their call in the next few hours!! They didn't call me back as well. Okay, i called them again, and they just told me when they receive my mobile,they'll call me. Like this kind of question, i has heard so so so many times from their staff!! I just want them to estimate whether in how many days i can receive my mobile,that's all.