Reviews of JYMS Properties - Kuala Lumpur

Here you will find reviews about JYMS Properties. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
1 Review
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Rude and unprofessional. On inquiry to advertised condo I was told that the advertised condo was no longer available but a different unit for a higher price was available. On request to view aforementioned unit I was rudely prompted to call the agent (in a professional manner it should have been him to call me!). The agent Kenny then answered the phone pretending not to know why I was calling. The following conversation was a demographic inquire about my person with the final statement that "Tomorrow la can view. 3k ok for you wa. So you budget 2-3k or not?" I said I want to see first, then we can discuss my budget, I am not giving you any amount until I see what you have to offer. "okokok...i call you bach i call you back" Instead his agency called me back in even more broken English saying there was indeed another unit available in the Condo...3.2k but bad want? Of course not!!! What a sales pitch. This was then followed by new units for higher prices in a different building. That person spoke very poor English and did not understand a single request - not even "Is there someone who speaks English?" or "Thank you, I am not interested, I will keep looking myself." 5 minutes later he called again with new offers. Never heard from the actual agent again. I then had my boyfriend call the agent to see what the outcome was (I am an expat, my boyfriend is a local) again...demogrpahic inquiry, but this time the unit was available but he had to call the owner first. 10 hours later still no reply - but also no harassing phone calls for my local boyfriend. Verdict: Dodgy agency skimming off clients for properties they don't have to get potential clients to buy into something else. Rude and unprofessional.